Outline on work restart strategy in Factory in India …

“Enterprise businesses are increasingly looking to partner with organised logistics players to facilitate direct to consumer deliveries”

Practices can be exercised in work places/factory against Covid-19 :

  1. Training is very much important for this changing environment.
  2. TRUST building is very important among work place. The HR must implement Covid-19
    protocol with certain guideline in line with MHA/Govt guidelines. Company should implement
    Covid manual as a part of HR manual.
  3. Boards/hording/banners to be displayed everywhere in the workplace. Do-Don’t chart must
    be required to be placed at work place.
  4. Surveillance is a challenge to manage the work flow. IR based camera may be implemented.
  5. Arogya Setu apps must be followed by everybody while going out from residence/office. The
    apps must be in on condition during working hours.
  6. Wearing mask is mandatory.
  7. Use of waste bins to be placed with disposal bags.
  8. Spitting, smoking, chewing gums/gutkha etc are prohibited at workplace.
  9. Visitors are not allowed/restricted. Online discussion to be used as maximum as possible.
  10. Thermal scanner to be kept in office. Everybody coming from outside, has to be inspected.
    Inspection to be done in every 2 hrs and total 4 nos reading against each person to be stored
    in a system which shall be checked regularly. In case of any abnormality observed, the same
    to be reported to admin and nearest medical centre.
  11. Sufficient hand sanitizer, liquid sanitizer, gloves, PPE mask etc to be kept in office. Before
    entering to office, everybody must sanitise themselves as much as possible.
  12. Special care & attention to be taken from those employees coming from containment zone.
  13. There must be at least 1 mtr distance between two work stations. Nobody should
    communicate face to face without mask.
  14. Employees to be attended physically at office on roaster basis as per Govt guideline.
  15. Stay arrangement for emergency should be there in office/factory premises. The employee
    comes under containment zone, may be stayed at office premises to accomplish specific job.
  16. Touch less arrangement (sensor based/foot operated etc) for sanitizer can be implemented
    at premises. Before touching some specific doors, the sanitizer to be provided at the
  17. Sanitizer spray should be used at work place. In case, sufficient liquid spray could not found,
    liquid sanitizer can be made by mixing hand sanitizer with water/Dettol/other options.
  18. Special attention to be taken for the incoming material & man/visitor/contractors. Risk of
    contamination is very high to the transporter/driver/external person etc. They should not
    stand inside the plant. Containment zone to be identified where thermal screening can be
    carried out for contractor person/outsiders. Covid free certificate can be thought off.
  19. Technology implementation – Suitable technology can be implemented at workplace to
    manage the process. Industry-4 consists of IoT based devices, automation, machine learning
    etc can be implemented. Sensor based camera/360 deg view camera, robotics etc can be
    very effective at work place which reduces unnecessary physical supervisory at work place. A
    video camera can be fitted in the helmet along with Bluetooth/wireless microphone of every
    worker for supervising & instructing their work remotely. This is quite possible in cellular
    working concept. Speaker to be fitted at shop floor for voice communication to the mass of
  20. Cellular manufacturing – This is old concept but very effective during this situation. Every
    work can be leaded by a group leader who will have Bluetooth/wireless microphone. The
    shop supervisor shall communicate with him remotely during specific job.
  21. Lean manufacturing/process – This must be implemented.
  22. Certification – Covid free certification must be implemented by Govt. Every customer shall
    ask their vendors to produce the certificate similar to ISO/ZED etc.
  23. Medical insurance to cover Covid-19 to be done for every employees. Implementation of
    group insurance can be thought off.
  24. Sufficient laptop arrangement must be there for those who can any time work from home.
    Laptop to be provided at home for those.
  25. Company should try to accommodate with 4 wheeler as much as possible for transportation
    of employees who does not have their own vehicle. Public transport of employees should be
    avoided as much as possible.
  26. Paper work must be avoided as much as possible. Please note, any physical movement of
    paper/files/documents is vulnerable for spreading infection at work places.
  27. Shoe carries possible germs. Separate room with rack to be identified for keeping shoes.
    Employees/staff shall use their shoes shall be kept inside separate place of premises.
    Alternatively, shoes dispenser plastic cover machine can be used after taking entry.
  28. Gathering in a cabin room to be avoided. Each cabin door shall have notice for restriction of
    minimum nos of employees.
  29. Arrangement of warm water to be kept at premises. Every employee must drink warm water
    in every 1 hr or, less.
  30. Yoga can be practiced before starting of work.
  31. Food hygiene – Outside movement for bringing food shall be avoided. Workplace should
    keep inventory of some dry foods. Every employee should bring food. For very few cases, if
    employee want, they may choose online order of food through popular apps by choosing
    authenticate sanitising option although outside food to be avoided as much as possible.
    However, It is advised to heat up the food by micro oven to be kept at office. Provision for
    office canteen can be thought off.
  32. Office Automation – Office/home automation can be implemented step by step basis, e.g;
    sensor based water tap in washroom, sensor based light/fan/AC etc. In a long run, these will
    also save substantial operational cost.
  33. Video display can be arranged at shop floor for regular update about Covid-19 for
  34. Video conferencing tools to be subscribed. Ex- Skype/Team etc.